Stoney Creek Headband

posted in: Headband Patterns
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Stoney Creek HeadbandIt’s definitely headband weather in my neck of the woods! Brrr!!! And this quick to knit pattern is just in time. It’s my fifth and (maybe for now) final headband pattern. I’ve had so much fun designing these patterns, however, that you never know when another one might crop up!

Stoney Creek has a neat, almost tailored look to it and is a bit narrower than some of my previous headbands, but still wide enough where you need it most for snuggly, warm ears and, like Celtic Roots, is tapered at the nape to prevent bunching under longer hair. Small enough to tuck neatly into a pocket too!

Like each one of its predecessors, Stoney Creek includes two photo tutorials: Crocheted Provisional Cast-On and Top to Bottom Kitchener Joining. I don’t want knitters to be intimidated by these techniques – they really aren’t all that difficult and they give such a professional finish to a knitted piece when worked correctly. My tutorials take you step by step through each technique.Stoney Creek Headband

As always, this downloadable, PDF pattern has been professionally tech edited and test knit to reduce the potential for error. The pattern is charted, but also features complete written line by line instructions so the ability to read a chart is not necessary to work this pattern.

So, if you have a few hours on a chilly day to sit for a spell and knit, this is a great pattern to spend a little time with!

Full pattern details for the Stoney Creek Headband can be found here.