Celtic Traveller Throw

posted in: Afghan/Throw Patterns
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Celtic Traveller ThrowWell, the holidays are over and hopefully we all survived and got a chance to enjoy those precious moments with family that are always so fleeting, too few and too far between.

And though the holidays may be over, at least in my neck of the woods there is a LOT of winter left! Brrr! So, what’s the best way to spend those cold days (especially if you are a huge klutz and outdoor sports are just a way of asking for a trip to the ER)? Why, knitting of course! And what could be better than knitting a toasty, warm throw? Once you’ve gotten a couple of feet done, it’ll keep you warm as you knit. It’s a win, win!

I enjoyed working the cables in my Stoney Creek and Celtic Roots headbands so much that I decided to utilize them again for my next design and thus became the Celtic Traveller Throw. The cable patterning itself looks decidedly intricate with lots of visual interest, but it isn’t really that complicated at all. The cable stitch patterns are simply nestled closely together in a half-drop style that gives the appearance of an allover cable pattern. If you’ve worked basic cables, you can do this!

Celtic Traveller ThrowAs always, this downloadable, PDF pattern has been professionally tech edited and test knit to reduce the potential for error. The pattern is charted, but also features complete written line by line instructions so the ability to read a chart is not necessary to work this pattern.

If you love snuggling in for a good winter’s knit like I do, this pattern may be just the one for you!

Full pattern details for the Celtic Traveller Throw can be found here.